
Showing posts from February, 2021

conditional formatting and advance functions of excel 2013 version

  IF Function in Excel   IF function in Excel checks whether a condition is met and if it’s (TRUE) it returns a value, and another value if the condition does not meets (FALSE). IF function gives excel formula a decision- making capabilities. This function takes three arguments, each separated by a comma. IF function is a very useful and most widely used conditional function in excel, this function is used to give a result based on certain criteria; for example, if condition A is met, then the value should be B, and if the condition is not met the value should be C, this function takes three arguments, the first argument is the criteria while the second argument is the result when the condition is true and third argument is when the condition is false. Syntax  =if(logical_test,[value_if_true],[value_if_false])

Why TATA nano fail

  Vision of Ratan TATA sir behind the Nano project Remove the gap between two wheeler and four wheeler. Ratan TATA wants to launch car/affordable car for middle class families. In the year 2008, Ratan TATA sir announced that their team will launch a car of price 1 lakh. Everyone was excited at that time. And Nano were over booked and prebooking were started.         " Nano had attention seeking potential(power to grab attention), it had value, best price as well as quality was also good but because of this attention seeking potential, Nano brand  marketing were by default not by design, by chance but not by choice." Why TATA NANO failed? There are 2 lakh cars that are prebooked but because of the violation in Singuar, Bengal. Ratan TATA sir's team had to shift their manufacturing plant from Bengal to Gujarat and because of this shifting procedure, it takes 22 months to deliver 2 lakh cars to customers. Another reason is that fire incident were happene...