Rajasthan senior Computer Teacher syllabus 2021
Paper I
- Art & Culture, History, Geography, General science and current affairs of Rajasthan.
- General Ability included -
- Logical reasoning & Analytical ability
- decision making and problem solving
- general mental ability
- basic numeracy - Numbers & their relations, order of magnitude, etc.,
- Data Interpretation - Charts, Graphs, Tables, Data sufficiency, etc.,
Paper II
- Pedagogy
- Decision making & problem solving, data interpretation, data sufficiency, logical reasoning, analytical ability.
- Basic numeracy
- Fundamentals of computers - Number system, arithematic operations, introduction to various categories of computer language, functional details of input and output devices.
- Programming fundamental - C, C++, Java, DotNet, Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, python, block chain programming, data types(Built-in and user ), scope of variable, precedance of operators, control flow, functions, array, pointers, unions, enumerated data types and file handling, command line arguments.
- OOP using C++ and Java - objects & classes, Inheritance, polymorphism, event & exception handling, files and streams.
- Data Structure & Algorithm - Abstract data types, Arrays as data structure, linked list vs array for storage, stack and stack operations, queues, binary trees, binary search trees, graph and their representation, sorting & searching, symbol table.
- Algorithms- Tree traversals, branch and bound and greedy methods, complexity of algorithms.
- Digital logic systems - Boolean expression, K-maps, TTL & CMOS logic families, combinational logic design using half adder, full adder, subtractors and multiplexers, synchronous sequential system design.
- Computer organisation and architecture - Von- Neumann architecture of computers, registers, and micro operations, control logic processors addressing & bus organisation, processor input/output & DM. Memory organisation & cache coherance.
- operating system - CPU scheduling, deadlocks, memory management, file systems, disk scheduling, concept of client server architecture in distributed environment and RPC, process, threads and their sychronization, real time OS: clock synchronization & task scheduling. system initialization, booting & handling user accounts, Backup & restore, bourne shell programming for linux.
- DBMS- E-R model, relational algebra, calculus & database, integrity constraints, triggers, normalization and indexing, Transaction processing, concurrency control & RDBMS.
- Software engineering - phases of SDLC, system modeling, software requirement specification and DFDs. Introduction to software testing, software projects management.
- Data & computer network - evolution of networking, data communication terminologies, transmission media, network devices, TCP/IP & OSI/ISO reference model, functions of different layers, characteristics of physical media, multiplexing in physical layer, medium access protocols, introduction to 802.3, 802.4, 802.5, 802.1, LAN technologies, IP protocol including routing & congestion control, TCP & UDP, DNS.
- Network security - Groups, rings & fields in finite space, Euler's and fermat's theoram, primality testing, security services & mechanism, symmetric & asymmetric encryption including DES, AES, IDEA, RSA algorithm, key management in symmetric & asymmetric encryption, message authentication and hashing, email security, viruses and trusted systsem, networking(LAN & WAN), security, ethical hacking.
- Basics of communication - channel capacity, attenuation, communication impairements, propagation of EM waves through free space(excluding free space models), PCM & delta modulation, WDM, brief introduction to GSM & CDMA based communication systems.
- Web development - HTML/DTML, webpage, Authoring using HTML, document object model concept and importance of document object model, dynamic HTML document & document object model, introduction to CSS, XML, basics of PHP & Javascript.
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